The laser comes of age

The first dental laser was approved for use in 1976. Since then, laser technology has greatly improved many dental procedures.
Treating the soft areas in your mouth is a lot easier and more comfortable thanks to lasers.

How a laser works

A laser uses energized light to precisely remove soft tissue. The light beam simultaneously sculpts and cauterizes the area. That means there is little to no bleeding, making your healing time faster. The laser beam sterilizes the tissue, reducing the chance of infection.

The laser targets just the area to be treated, leaving surrounding areas untouched. Because lasers work on a cellular level, the procedure is usually painless. The laser machine

Most people do not need anesthesia. This means no shots or numbness. A laser is quiet. You will probably only hear a low hum or beep.

Lasers are versatile Lasers can be used for a number of procedures including—

  • Crown lengthening to improve your smile.
  • Sterilizing areas infected with bacteria.
  • Removing gum tissue without cutting.
  • Removing cold sores and lesions.

The FDA says lasers are safe to use on everyone.

Lasers can be a welcome tool to help you get a bright, healthy smile.